Saints Philip and James School

Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow

Academic Support


Saints Philip and James School is committed to assisting students reach their full potential by providing both academic support and academic challenge.

The Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) provides a Reading Specialist, a Math Specialist, a Speech and Language Teacher, and a Guidance Counselor. Students who qualify for support in reading and math attend classes with these specialists. Students who require speech and language support attend classes one time per week. All students benefit from Guidance classes on a regular basis throughout the year. The Guidance Counselor is available for individual and/or small group guidance and assists with adapting IEPs and 504 Plans for use at SSPJ.

Saints Philip and James School employs a Resource Teacher for additional academic learning support. The Academic Learning Support Team work collaboratively to ensure continuity of instruction in reading and/or math so that all students are successful.

*All IEPs and 504 plans will be reviewed and addressed on a case by case basis*


Mrs. Aimee Leaf


Mrs. Kate Miller


Mrs. Kathleen McGuire


Mrs. Jennifer Caplan

Resource Support

Mrs. Michelle Schmidt
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